Easy Six

.l'm sorry, Frank.
.You're sorry?

You say you're sorry.
And you've ruined
my daughter's fucking life.

l haven't ruined her life.
You've ruined your life.
l'll come back and we'll talk about
this when you've come down.

You don't get it, do you?
You're finished.
lt 's over.

l'm going to see you fry.
You turned my daughter
into a whore!

That 's ridiculous!
You're going to stand there
and deny that to my face?

l think something's burning.
You pretended to be my friend.
.You made a monkey out of me.
.l'm leaving!

Sally is not going to see you
anymore. She's grounded.

Frank, she's not a child!

You're challenging me?
You forced sex on my daughter?
Don't you challenge me!

Trust me, Frank.
Have dessert and you'll feel better.

You know what they call it when a
man forces himself on a young girl?

.Just punch me.
.Do you know what they call it?

.l didn't force anything on Sally.
.Rape, that 's what they call it.

They call it...
They call it rape.

Get it out of your system.
Punch me, kick me or something.

l don't even need to punch you.
l've already passed the pictures
to Janet Vanderpour...

and l told her about the felon
working in her English department.
