El Fondo del mar

Yes, but when you come
back it will be 4 a.m.

What's the matter?
Well, remember that at 6
I'm leaving for Puerto Madryn.

And I would like
to sleep a little.

I did remember.
Oh fine, great,
I feel flattered.

What now?
A supposed business party to
which she was invited alone.

- How are you?
- Fine

Fine? Well, that's fine.
Can I have coffee
with milk and toast?

...more milk than coffee.
- Perfect.

Fine and, can it be cream
cheese instead of butter?

I'll check if we have...
- Fine, are the toasts baguettes?
- Yes, I think so.

Can you ask them to cut
them in halves, not slices?

Half and not round, and white
cheese instead of butter.

- Butter, perfect.
- Capuccino

Er... coffee
Party, what kind of a party?
No... a bid we won for
some buildings at the port...

and they're inviting everyone.
Yes, the same happened
to me and it is horrible...

That was different,

No, it was the same, Caro was
invited to a New Year's Eve party,

she started saying I couldn't go,
she had to go alone, horrible...

The thing is that Ana
and Caro are different,

- then it is not the same.
- Yes, but the situation is.

And what about it being a lawyers'
party, would it bother you?

What about that?
Nothing, maybe the fact that
she's surrounded by architects...

maybe successful, builds stress.
No, I hate that bureau. They are
filling the city...

with those
horrible restaurants

Yes, the Scuzzi,
I like them.

I'm glad. I always tell her,
do you understand? That if she...

doesn't want to be with me,
she should not waste my time...

But it is the other way round,
you want her to understand that...

you don't care about it and what
you are really doing is showing...

you do care a lot, because if you
didn't you wouldn't say anything.

What I mean is, you
are giving her all the power.

She has all the power.
It's true is like all my stuff...

became a secondary thing,
I don't care about architecture,

it's like I am all day thinking
about her, what she does,

what she doesn't do and I can't
concentrate, I can't read,
