Freddy Vs. Jason

I gotta see if she's OK.
Back to Springwood?
Do you want me to start
having nightmares again?

Don't start with that
dream demon shit again.

OK? You know that's all
just in your head.

Yeah, yeah, and who are you,
the poster boy for sanity?

You're the one
that told the cops...

Lori's dad killed his wife.
Yeah, right, and now it
looks like someone else...

got killed in the same house.
You think that's
a coincidence?

Two murders in one house?
Kurt, how many times
do I have to tell you, man?

I don't do checkers.
I'm an UNO guy, all right?
So go grab the fucking UNO deck
and we'll play, OK?

Please. Thank you.
Look at us, Will.
Look around you, man.
We're institutionalized.
We're stuck here.
We're not going anywhere.

I do miss my family, man.
I mean, it's been four years
since I've seen 'em, you know.

All these years,
and you're still convinced...

you saw her father do that?
I know what I saw, Mark.
Fuck what the doctors try
to get me to believe.

I need to know if she's OK.
You want to play?
Sweet dreams, monkey boy.
What the hell
was that for, man?

Heh heh heh!
