Friends and Family

You might even say
I've lied to them

about certain aspects
of my life.

My intentions were good,
and I think
I had good reason,

but the fact remains
that I lied.

And I now know,
I truly believe

that this was wrong.
Stephen, I know
what you're getting at.

And I want you to know
that although I think,

you know, as a rule,
children should never lie

to their parents,
I can understand
what you did.

Really, Padrone?
You know, I, of course,
am very comfortable with
your and Danny's relationship.

But then I'm
a sophisticated man.

I live in a big city,
whereas they're from...
Indiana. Um-
Your parents may need time.
Maybe they need
to meet Danny
and see what a wonderful thing
you have together.

To tell you the truth-
Do you think it would help
if I spoke to them?

I haven't told them
about all of this.

I haven't told them
about you.

He's hurt.
His feelings are hurt.
He understood.
If not, he wouldn't
have okayed our plan.

"Our" plan?
Jenny, you should-

You spend all your time
taking care of us.

Now it's time for us
to help you for a change.

It's just, I've never
disappointed them before.

It's hard.
Pardon me.
But you make
a beautiful couple.

Thank you.
Wish we didn't have
to strip down like this.

They're going to want
to hug us.

I feel naked.
I've already said you could
bring your brass knuckles.

Want to take your ankle piece?
Take your ankle piece.
