Gaz Bar Blues

He had a sawed-off
12-gauge shotgun?

The guy's nuts.
He's heId me up twice.

Was that your first or second?
- What do you care?
- You're being a jerk.
- Since when do you care about us?
- You're caIIing me caIIous?
- If the shoe fits...

- What did I do
to make you hate me?

- UnreIiabIe peopIe piss me off.
- Right. You're Mr Perfect
and I'm fuck-aII?

- I was fine before you came.
Now Ieave me aIone.

I know why you're here.
It's aII over your face.
You want me to cover for you
again tonight? I won't do it.

- Christ! If I couId get out of it,
I wouIdn't ask.

I'm stuck!
- As usuaI. I aIways
cover for you.

You think I'm a Ioser
with no Iife, eh?

Just a gas-pumping moron.
WeII, I got news for you.

I'm sick of it too. Except I'm
not seIfish enough to skip out.

- AIright. Fine.
BIow off. And don't ask
for any favours.

- Do me a favour, start at 6:00.
- EmpIoyee of the Month
gets his picture here.

- Man, this biII's fuII of hoIes!
