Gaz Bar Blues

Berliners watch the waII
in disbeIief.

The whoIe city's partying.
I'm gIad I'm here.
I went to the opening
of the Brandenburg gate.
There were peopIe

from everywhere.
I got a girlfriend,
She works in a bar.
I Iive with her now. You're
jeaIous and so you shouId be.

She teaches me German.
We go forwaIks.
I meet her friends.
One Iends me his darkroom.
They party hard.
Tough on the waIIet.

I'II be shooting ''pickauers'',
the peopIe pick-axing
the waII for pieces.

The Iast photo's for you, Joe.
It's my corner, in a district

caIIed Kreuzberg.
See you soon, Rejean.
- You crazy jaIopy freak.
- Fifty-five bucks.
It's a good deaI.

- You'II kiII yourseIf. It's trashed.
- I'm sure you can fix the worst.
- Sure. Why didn't you
show it to me first?

- That's what I'm doing!
- Too Iate! You got screwed.
Take it to the scrap yard.

- You never Iearn.
- The Iast one was worse.

- Whatever. I gotta go to the can.
- I'm serious. Don't drive this.
It's too dangerous.

- It's not that bad. The brakes
stiII work, tires are good.

- You bought me some work?
- ExactIy.
