Gaz Bar Blues

- I went on a 3-week bender
and ended up Iosing it.

- Thought you couId rebuiId
the waII by yourseIf?

- 'Course not.
- So why'd you do it?

- It was symboIic.
- ExpIain it to me, I'm Iost.
- OK.
They're aII reveIIing, but they
don't reaIize what's in store.

- And you do?
- Look, Dad...
BerIin is Iike gas stations.

The West, snazzy seIf-serve.
The East, shabby, Iike yours.
The big guys win, understand?

- You think I'm an imbeciIe?
AII those detours end with that?
The worId's changing
and I'm Iagging.

You think I'm bIind?
- No, but why bother changing
unIess it makes you happy?

You don't have to.
- Go rest, you're tired.
- Where're you going?
- To work.
