Ghosts of the Abyss

Welcome to "Keldysh. "
Quite a ride.
If the bow is so dug in,
you just don't get that depth.

And seeing that wall going
all the way down

and falling into nothing,
even just with
the "Mir-2's" lights,

really was like, "Holy cow.
This thing is so big. "

What exciting work.
We were exploring the "Titanic"
with new technologies

and these incredible
new cameras.

Have you ever been in any sub?
Only at Disneyland.
This is different.
Good luck.
See you later.
These dives,
every one is so precious.

I want to make sure
we pack as much information,
visually and historically,

as I can possibly get
into these eyeballs.

Ha! Ha! Ha!
You know, you have
historians, scientists.

It was a great camaraderie.
I screamed like a girl
the whole time.

Crying like a kid?
Cried like a baby.
The R.O.V.S were fascinating.
Initially they were called
Bot 1 and Bot 2.

But ultimately they were named
Jake and Elwood.

My name is Mike Cameron.
I'm the R.O.V. Creator.
The vehicle is not unlike
a little creature.

It's got a brain.
It's got a computer onboard.

It's got eyes
in a couple cameras up front.

Give it a little forward.
You are in, Daddy-O.
You're in.
