
you don't fuck around!
Fuck this.
Cutting off his thumb was a stupid order.
We would have been derelict
in our responsibilities if we had followed it.

How long could we have kept below radar...
with a thumbless, bleeding half-wit?
You see, sometimes...
one has to use
their professional prerogative...

to override a dumb request.
With all due respect...
even at this point if you were to ask us...
to pursue a course of action that would be...
let's say, contrary to your best interests...
then as awkward as it might be...
we would have to take exception.
Aside from those of us in this room...
there's only one person, really,
that can link you to this fuckup.

And I feel that we should...
rectify that problem as soon as we can.
I think I'd much prefer just to...
you know...
end it right here.
And that would be
your professional prerogative.

If you think that having
that kid picked up by the authorities...

and telling them all about being kidnapped
in an attempt to save your ass makes sense.

If you think that's the best tactic
to keep you out of jail.

If you think that's any less dumb
than asking to have his finger cut off...

well, then that would be
the thing that you should do.

But if you don't...
then let us take the thorn out of your side.
