Gods and Generals

You didn't sell it, you're renting it.
For a single weekend.

I've gotta have Annie Wheaton.

I've got a good group but they're
candles. Annie is a searchlight.

If anyone can wake up Rose Red,
it's her.

Waking up Rose Red is not a good idea.
I want Annie. I want Annie Wheaton.
Hello, dear.
Hey, Mom. Hi, Dad.

Long day? You look tired.
I'll microwave you a TV dinner.

No, it's okay. I had something
to eat at the restaurant.

Is Annie okay?
Annie's fine.
Wearing out her ears again.

And ours. If not "A Summer Place,"
then "Pennsylvania 6 9000."

Same two over and over,
all afternoon.

Guess she just likes it.
I know. I just can't figure out why.

Thank God for small favors.
Annie. Annie. Come lnome.
We're waiting, Annie. We're waiting.
Please cone hone, Annie.
We're waiting.
