Gods and Generals

But how could there be union
with a section of the country...

...that wants to impose
its will through coercion?

Now that Virginia confronts the armed
might of the United States...

...we Virginians have determined
that not one spot of her sacred soil...

...be polluted by the foot of an invader.
Now, in the memory of that great
Virginian, George Washington...

...who was first in the hearts
of his countrymen and calling also...

...upon the memory of his own gallant
father, General Light-Horse Harry Lee...

...this convention now calls upon
Robert Edward Lee to take command...

...of the armed forces of
the Citizen Army of Virginia.

Mr. President, gentlemen
of the convention...

...l'm profoundly impressed by the
solemnity of the occasion...

...for which I must say
I was not prepared.

I accept the position assigned me
by your partiality.

I would have much preferred had
your choice fallen on an abler man.

But trusting to Almighty God,
an approving conscience...
