Head of State

Vote for Gaines and James.
- The Million Babies Mamas March?
- It's a very good cause.

Call Reverend Barton for that one. No...
you can't use food stamps to buy tires.
I'm sorry, Mr. Hawkins.
What can I do for you?

Your girlfriend is on hold.
- Hold on a second.
- How could you put me on hold?

- What was it, Mr. Hawkins?
- The bus.

I read that they're going to shut down
our bus line.

If they do that, I can't get to work!
Unless they give me a job
in that new mall they're building.

Don't worry. I've been talking
to the people downtown...

and I promise you this:
If they shut down this bus line,
I will drive you to work myself.

You got my word.
Alderman Gilliam, quick! Miss Pearl is back!
Okay. I got to go.
Hi, that's me, Mays Gilliam, alderman
of the 9th Ward of Washington, D.C.

Not the part of D.C. you're familiar with.
I work in a neighborhood so bad,
you can get shot while you're getting shot.

Around here when people have a problem,
they don't call the mayor, they call me.

Miss Pearl!
What's going on?
Dionne is in the house. I know she is.
I don't know what she's talking about.
We checked the house, nobody is in there.

Hey, man, Dionne is her cat.
Whatever. Cats got nine lives. She'll be fine.
Can we let one guy go in
and help this lady get her cat?

Can't do it. Once they laid the explosives,
there's nothing I can do.

She just showed up.
You took the lady's house.
Can you at least let her get her cat?

We didn't take it, we gave her $40,000.
What kind of house is she supposed to get
with $40,000? A crack house?

I think she'd be happy to get out
of this rattrap.

Who are you to call this place a rattrap?
This is my neighborhood, where I'm from.
I got my first bike stolen right there.
