Head of State

- Nice car.
- Ain't it, though?

Got it for a song at a repo auction.
He feels bad, mighty low
Got nowhere to go
What can you do when you're feeling low
Man, I want to know
He feels bad, mighty low
Got nowhere to go

What can you do when you're feeling low
And your car just got repo'd
Here we are.
Mays Gilliam, Debra Lassiter.
Nice to meet you. Take a seat.
We know what happened today.
We know you lost your job.

How do you know that? It just happened.
We're the government. We know everything.
We'd like you to do something for us.
Sure, I'd love to work
on a presidential campaign.

I'll make phone calls, send out fliers.
Who have you guys chosen
to run against Lewis?

That's exactly what we wanted
to talk to you about.

We'd like you to run for President.
