
Yes, Sergeant.
He disemboweled her.
After he cut her throat,
he stabbed her in the chest...

cut open her stomach...
and, uh, took out her intestines.
At least one
ofher organs was removed.

I'm waiting for the police surgeon's
report for more details.

I see.
Well, one thing's for certain:
an Englishman didn't do it.
Maybe one ofthese red lndians...
wandered into Whitechapel
and indulged his natural inclinations.

With all due respect, sir...
I believe this was done by someone...
with at least
a working knowledge of dissection.

- An educated man, such as a doctor--
- An educated man?

That's preposterous.
No well-bred man would do this.

Probably a tradesman or a butcher.
A tradesman is
a possibility, sir, yes.

But there's a strong
indication against it.

There was a sprig of grapes
found under her body.

What are you driving at?
No one in White chapel,
no matter what their trade...

could afford grapes.
Obviously they were
given to herby the killer.

And it follows that
he must be someone with money.

What about the Jews?
A Jew butcher.

Or a Jew tailor
might have money.

There are plenty of them
in Whitechapel.

Well, sir, for the sake
of public safety in general...

I'd like to be careful about spreading
the rumors that it might be a Jew.

Inspector, I know your reputation...
for making brilliant guesses
that turn out to be right.

Someone told me you claimed
to dream the answers.

Frankly, it doesn't matter to me
what your methods are.

But be certain you don't
proceed without proof.

- Is that clear?
- Of course, sir.

Personally, I don't care.
The fewer pinch-pricks
on the streets, the better.

But the sooner you find
this butcher or tailor, lnspector...
