
Aye, to die...
and go we know not where...
but to lie in cold obstruction
and to rot.

A simple " rest in peace"
would suffice, Godley.

Yes, sir.
In the midst of life
we are in death.

Of whom may we seek for succor
but of thee, O Lord...

who, for our sins,
are justly displeased?

Yet, O Lord, Godmost holy,
O Lord most mighty--

Good afternoon, ladies.
I'm lnspector Abberline.
This is Sergeant Godley.

We're investigating the murders
of Polly Nichols and Martha Tabram.

Yes, we understand that they
were both friends of you ladies.

Close friends. We're rather hoping
you'dbe able to help us out.

Don't know nothing.
Me neither.
Why you botherin' us?
You ought to be botherin' McQueen.

- Is he the boss on Nichol Street?
- He's the heart and soul of the gang.

Isn't it your job
to be knowin' that small detail?

And what makes you think McQueen
did this to your friends?

Can't prove nothing by me.
- You're Mary Kelly. Is that right?
- That's right.

Well, Mary Kelly, unless one of you
is willing to testify against McQueen...

I can't do nothing.
Surely, lnspector...
a strong, handsome man like you...
you could do anything
you putyour brilliant mind to.

I'm a coward and a weakling and I can't
help meself. What's your excuse?

Why are you so bloody useless?
