
If there's anything else...
The windows won't open.

And the children and i would
enjoy a breeze now and then.

I can fix that.
"And this maiden, she lived
with no other thought

"than to love
and be loved by me.

"She was a child,
and i was a child

"in this kingdom by the sea.
But we loved..."
"with a love
that was more than love...

i and my annabel lee."
You know, that door
doesn't hang straight.

I can fix that.
"The duck swims on the lake."
Very good, mr. Penn.
Thank you, ma'am.
The duck may swim on the lake,

but my daddy owns the lake.
[Laughter fades]
That will be all for tonight.
Thank you, class.
You're dismissed.

Come on, boys.
[Indistinct conversations]
Hey, katherine...
how about me and you, uh,
having a little picnic?

Take a ride on my motorboat.
No, thank you, mr. Walker.
It's brand-new.
I mean, you don't even
have to row it.

No, thank you.
Uh, come on now, girl.
No one ever says no
to trout walker.

I believe i just did.
[Insects chirping]
Come on, boys.
We're digging around,
all around.

Then we're digging
toward the center, see?
