Homem Que Copiava, O

Or traveling
with a photocopier operator...

having children
with a photocopier operator.

At least I have never met
a girl who dreamt of that.

She's not home yet.
She lives with her father.
I think it's her father, must be.

By the look of their furniture,
they can't have much money.

But her father works,
he has a uniform.

His shirt has those things
on the shoulders with buttons.

Maybe he's a cop.
Or a public health agent,
who kills mosquitoes.

Maybe he's a
public health agent.

She's arrived.
She goes straight to her room,
I think she eats out.

Sometimes she gets
something in the kitchen.

Only sometimes,
almost never.

She always arrives after 11
and goes to her room.

I think she goes to night classes,
she carries books with her.

Her window is covered with paper,
but for a small gap.

There are 3 stickers
on the window.

A smiling face,
a drawing, dolls.

A piece of paper
with 4 dots of glue.

A postcard, maybe.
Sometimes she stops
and looks at it.

It must be a photo.
She had blinds, but they
rotted away and were taken down.

Venetian blinds
must be expensive.

In the wardrobe
I can only see clothes.

She has 2 paJamas, tonight
she's chosen the white one.

I can only see
part of the wardrobe.

She often leaves the door open.
It has a mirror.

Depending on the angle of door,
I see a different part of the room.

There's a flowery eiderdown
on the bed.

A tapestry showing a girl.
A TV, but I only see its glow.
