
Look, you can't be here
right now, okay?

What? Are you deaf? Get on.
What's up, Otis?
Hey, B.B.

How's your stash?
All right. l'm set for today.

Make sure you got his back,
all right? He's my baby brother.

Yo, you want a smoke?
Right here. Right here.

Hey, Honey, it's me Dad.
Just calling to see how
those auditions are going.

Hey, girl, it's me.
Just checking in.

Remember, this is a temporary
situation. That's all.

So holler when you get in.
Honey Daniels, this is Mike Ellis.
Sorry l missed you.
lt's kind of crazy here.

Um, anyway, we start shooting
day after tomorrow.

Call Lenny's cell.
He'll give you all the information.

Dancer, right?
Okay, please follow me
to Hair and Makeup.

l need your Social Security card
or a passport for your time card.
l'll get that from you later.

We're gonna be here
till about 4:00 a.m.
After that, it's time and a half.

Okay? Okay, guys.
This is the last one.
Yes, yes, l know.
