House of Sand and Fog

I wanted kids.
He didn't want kids.
But I guess if he really wanted
me, he would have wanted them, too.

I think he's a fool.
Maybe we should find
you a place to stay.

Do you remember the beauty
of the Caspian Sea, Esmail?

The water like glass.
The beach sand like gold.
It is beautiful here.
Massoud, when must we move again?
Not too soon.
Perhaps once we get a buyer, we
will tell them to wait until autumn.

Would you prefer that?
I will do as you wish.
There was this little runt of a guy.
Kept beating up his wife. Except
she wouldn't press charges.

We'd show up, and there
they'd be at the door

like Romeo and Juliet, arm in arm.
She had welts and bruises all over.
So, one night we get
called out there again,

and I slipped down their hallway and
stuffed two eight-balls in his closet.

Turns out he was on parole.
He goes back to jail, she's
safe, and I slept like a baby.

Did I just lose you?
I'm sorry. I, um...
