How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Benjamin Barry.
Please come in.
Hi, welcome.
Before we get started,
how are you planning on paying
for the session?

How much is it?
Whatever it takes, yeah.
So, tell me,
how long have you guys
been seeing each other?

Seven days.
Seven days.
ls it too soon
to be seeing a therapist?

Well, Ben,
seven days isn't like
a lifetime, or anything,

-lt's like a week.

Did you hear that tone?
How can we not have
a gulf between us

with a tone like that?
How are things
between you sexually?

No, no...
-we haven't had sex.
-Oh, no.

Ben has a little, bitty problem.
-l don't have a problem.

Yes, you do.
-No, l do not have a problem.

lt's a big problem.
-l do not have a problem.
-You have a problem.

Look, look, look, wait a minute.
The one night that we even
thought about

getting close to having sex,
all right, she up and decides
she's going to nickname my...

Yeah. ''Princess Sophia.'' Ha!
You want to talk about
shooting a man's horse?
Whop! Come on!

l thought it was
a beautiful name.

Hmm, l see, Benjamin.
And when was it
that you first realized

that you were attracted
to other men?

-Oh, that's serious.

Benjamin, this is a safe space.
Look, it's just simple--
l like women, okay?

lt just happened that way.
Methinks thou doth
-protesth too much.
You see? Stop it.

This is the shit
l'm talking about.

What the hell was that?
Whoa, whoa.
What did l do?
l mean, this is what she does.
Stop that!

You know, l'm hearing a lot
of latent anger here, Benjamin.

l'm not a rage-o-holic!
-l called that one.

You know what--
take a deep breath for me, Ben.

Okay, and let it go.
Just let it go.
Yeah. l feel better.
