How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

l got it.
You got it.
Voila, voila, voila, voila.
l mean, there's a lot of cool
things about a bike, you know?

Use less gas.
ln traffic jams, you park
wherever the hell you want.

But at the end of the day...
Thank you.
...chicks dig 'em. Ah!

You look so cute.
Can l ask you a question?
Well, yeah.
Chicks dig this?
Yes, chicks dig this.
l'm ready to love somebody
Love somebody like you.
l turned!
Oh, oh, oh,
you're driving like a pro.

Yeah, look at you.
Look at this look.
Yeah, now, this shower...
is a little bit tricky.

The hot is actually cold.
The cold is actually hot.

You got to crank it
all the way up, at first,

if somebody flushes
the toilet in Bayonne,

you are going to get scalded.
The towels are right there.
Everything all right?
ls this okay?

Oh, no, it's more than okay.
l love everything
about this house:

the noise, the smells...
Oh, well, the smells--
that's Uncle Arnold,

l mean...
What's wrong?
lt's just that when
your mom hugged me today,

she really hugged me...
for winning a game of Bullshit.
Sweetie, that's a good thing.
Smile. Now come on.
Give me a smile.
