Imortais, Os

A landmine...
They saved his life.
Otherwise he'd be buried out there.

Do you know where I can find him?
He's President of
the Disabled Association.

You should talk to him.
I'll get your coffee and toast.
Can you make some toast
for your father?

He didn't have breakfast
because you weren't at home.

God, there's no escaping
from the old man!

The lmmortals...
These five men, like all comandos,
were taught to operate
like the five fingers of one hand.

Number one advances,
number two covers him,

number three is the chief,
number four is the backup, and number
five protects the rearguard.

They could guess each other's thoughts
and reactions in any situation.

There they are, the lmmortals.
Second Lieutenant Robert Alua
and his four sergeants...

They were always a special unit
within the Company.

the courage of those men,

and their esprit de corps.
But one of them disappeared...
Abel Cavaco.
That story remains a mystery to me.
It became known as the
Massacre of Chang'ra.
