Imortais, Os

They feel that the revolution
abandoned them, betrayed them.

I sometimes hear they've
been involved in some violence,

either individually, or as a group,
but nothing too serious, thankfully.

But these men
are capable of anything.

Of anything?
Thank you for your time.
So, my son,
you've come to arrange a mass?

That's right, Father.
Me and my three friends.

It's for the soul of a colleague
who is presumed dead.

I can't say mass for those
who are presumed to be deceased!

Is he dead or isn't he?
Yes, he's dead, the poor boy.
Abel Cavaco, he was from here.

He died twelve years ago
in the war of Africa.

He's buried here in Boliqueime.
I understand that payment for the
mass is in advance. I have it here.

You know that we now group
together several requests...

and celebrate mass for several souls
at the same time.

It's very expensive to hold a mass
for just one person.

- Did they explain that to you?
- Yes, Father.

It's a kind of...
It's a kind of mass production,
you might say.

I even prefer it that way, the church
will have more people at the mass.
