Intolerable Cruelty

On suspicious minds
Oh, let our love survive
I'll dry the tears from your eyes
Let's don't let a good thing die
When, honey, you know
I have never
Lied to you
Yeah, yeah
We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Because I love you

Too much, baby
Miles Massey's office
Hey, it's me Any messages?

Yeah, quite a few Where
are you? Just whitening

Jim says he wants a meeting today,
if possible Mm-hmm What else?

Chapman says his wife
is now in Tahoe

Tell Amstedler
I'll return in 20 minutes,

get Wrigley to look up Oliphant v
Oliphant, Commonwealth of Virginia

for its relevance
in the Chapman filing...

Oliphant v Oliphant, relevance to Chapman...
She said she took the kids to Tahoe?

That's right Wait, which side ofTahoe?
She's on some kind of cruise
Yeah, well, if the cruise goes all the way around
the lake, she's left the state and she's in breach

Tell Wrigley to prepare a filing
to attach A filing to attach

What do you want in it?

Primary residence, beach house, ski
cabin, auto, stocks, bonds, dental floss

Uh-huh Gonna lose ya

And tell Fred Armatrading that we finally
have pictures of his wife with the oral surgeon

Oh, and get a fruit and pastry basket in the conference
room for my 9:30 Didn't have time for breakfast

Where are you?
Comin' at ya

Your 9:00 is here
Bonnie Donaly

Bonnie Donaly
Mrs Donaly
