Intolerable Cruelty

Don't get me wrong, Mr, um...

Gus Petch
Whilst I don't find this terribly amusing,
I am delighted that you found this material

This is going to be
my passport to wealth,

independence and freedom
Sounds like to me
you gon' nail his ass

Honey? Honey!
Rex, get away from the door
My key doesn't work
Can we talk about this?
Rex, get away
from the door

Oh, look, I know
that you're upset, honey

Rex, for your own safety,
get away from the door

I don't like having
to set the dogs on you

Oh, for crying out loud,
if we could... Dogs?

Yes, dogs
I wanted some security
since I'll be living here alone

Look, Marylin, can't we have a civilized
discussion about this? Our lawyers can

You have a discovery hearing at 5:30
for the Maxine Gopnick case

Discovery? Gopnick?
And a Lance Kelso called

He read your article about
palimony settlements Lance Kelso

in same-sex

and would like to schedule
an appointment Same-sex

Arthur Yardumian and his tax attorney want
to reschedule their caucus for tomorrow

Yardumian? Arthur had to fly to
Atlanta for a deadbeat dad hearing

Atlanta? And your 10:30
is here Rex Rexroth

- Rex Rexroth?
- Real estate He's okay

Mr Rexroth
Uh, call me Rex

Miles Massey
Please sit Relax

Consider this office your office, your haven,
your war room for the duration of the campaign
