Intolerable Cruelty

I got ya See this?
Uh, I'll just have
a, um, salad, please

Um, baby field greens
What did you call me?
Uh, no, I-I...
I- I didn't call you anything

You want a salad? Yeah Do you...
Do you have a, uh, green salad?

What the fuck color
would it be?

Why are we eating here?
What's his problem?
Just bring him an iceberg lettuce and a mealy
tomato wedge smothered with French dressing

- And for you?
- Ham sandwich on stale rye bread Lots of mayo, easy on the ham

- Slaw cup?
- What the hell

Hello, Marge
How are you, Gus?

I'm all right
Okay, now, I Minoxed
her address book

Don't call me anymore
for this penny-ante shit

I shoot action
Me and the Ikegami, Jack

Thank you, Gus
And those rottweilers
were a menace, man

I told you she had dogs
Yeah You ain't tell me
they had a hard-on for anus Africanus

Gus, did you see any evidence,
any telltale signs
of indiscretion
on the part of Mrs Rexroth?

What are you talkin' 'bout,
"telltale signs"?

Look, I see an ass, I nail it
I don't sneak around
sniffin' at sheets

Goddamn it,
I'm Gus Petch!

Couldn't you
be disbarred for that?

No, I don't think so
Maybe if I'd had the patty melt

You had a guy break into her house
and photograph her address book

No, Wrigley, I happened
to let a man know
