Intolerable Cruelty

May I introduce Howard
D Doyle of Doyle Oil

I'm goddamn pleased
to meet you

Marylin here, she says you're
the best Says you're aces

Well, thank you, Mr, uh...
Uh, any... any relation
toJohn D Doyle of Doyle Oil?

Oh, you must be talkin' about
Grandpa John My papa's John D too

The Deuce, we called him You
know, kinda the rebel of the family

But they knocked off that wholeJohn D
routine when they christened Yours Truly

Grandpa nearly had a stroke
He did have a stroke, but that was
later, during the labor activity in '52

The government stepped in Mm-hmm Uh...
They called it mediation

He called it
incipient communism

Of course, that's when
he had his stroke

Golly, the whole left side of his body
is as useless as tits on a boar hog

He lingered in a vegetative state for
years... Well, that is fascinating, Mr Doyle

What say we have a seat?
A seat?

Marylin's had me runnin'
up and down Rodeo Drive all day long

Kinda hit-and-run shoppin', you know
Take no prisoners

Forced march kind of thing
My God, my dogs are barkin'

We started out at this li'I ol' place right
off of Wilshire... It's been quite a day

Had pewter things
But anyway, Miles, I know you're busy and you
charge by the hour, so I'll get straight to the point

Howard D and I
are planning to marry

Well, I suppose that congratulations
are in order Well, thank you, Miles

You know, the urge to wedlock and form a lastin'monogamous
bond sanctified by ritual, it's pert-near universal

As a matter of fact, it might be of some
interest to you, bein'in a related business...

Even your indigenous Americans...
Uh, I believe it was your Cree... used to...

Howard and I are here because I've
learned, through bitter experience,

that when it comes to matrimony
and law, you are the very best

And as you are well aware,
my previous marriage

ended in an unjustified stain
upon my reputation
My motives were impugned
I was slandered in court
I was painted a harlot
Oh, honey, you ain't no harlot
Oh, yes, honey
