Intolerable Cruelty

I could have you disbarred for that
It was worth it
A romantic divorce attorney
You fascinate me
I'll get right on it
I'll whip something up

All right Thank you
How's Lionel?
He's fine

He asked me to deliver the keynote address
at this year's convention in Vegas

That's quite an honor
I suppose
On top of a great victory

What was that?
"What was that"?
Um, Rex Rexroth?
He kept everything? You win? No
compromise? Isn't that what you wanted?

Oh, good God, Miles
What are you looking for?

I don't know
Okay, I won
What then?
How many cases
has Herb Myerson won?

The old man? More than anybody
He's a legend And look at him

He's 87 years old, he's the first
one into the office in the morning

- No home life
- Who needs a home when you have a colostomy bag?

She can't really love this dope,
can she?

Who? Uh, who loves who?
Marylin Rexroth
She signed a prenup
for an oil millionaire

A Massey prenup?
Well, then she is not
after his money

Only love is in mind
if the Massey is signed
