Intolerable Cruelty

Come she will
When streams are ripe
and swelled with rain

Nay, she will stay
A- resting in my arms again
What the hell's
wrong with you?

Come she will
Thank you for coming
to this celebration

of the love between our two friends,
Marylin and Howard

In today's cynical world,
it's so hard to take
that great leap of faith

aboard the ship of love and caring
But today Marylin and Howard
are taking that leap

and telling us, their friends,
that they do believe,
that they do have faith,

that they do love
Do you, Howard Drexler Doyle,
take Marylin to be your shipmate
on this journey through life,

through gale and doldrum,
seas choppy, wild and calm?

Yes, I do, Father Scott
And do you, Marylin Rexroth, take
Howard to be your shipmate and companion

to ports of every clime,
Be it in first class or steerage?
I do
Then, by the power vested in me
by the State of California,

and as captain
of the good ship Amore Veritas,

I now pronounce you man and wife
