Io non ho paura

You're Filippo, right?
Your Mom says she loves you
and misses you.

She said it on TV yesterday,
and she said not to worry.

- My mother is dead.
- What?

lt's a lie! Mommy is dead!
So is my Dad and my Grandma,
they're all dead and live in holes!

ls your Mom blonde?
ls there a painting of a boat
in your house?

lt's not a boat.
lt's a sailing ship.

Your Mom was on TV,
you could see the sailing ship.

She said that she and your Dad
love you very much.

Then why don't they come get me?
- l don't know.
- And why am l here?

l don't know.
You don't know anything!
- Go away! - Stop it!
- You're not my Guardian Angel!

- Leave me alone!
- Stop it!

Stop it!
Go away!
l came here for you!
- l came all the way here for you and
you're throwing me out. - Go away!

Alright, l'm leaving
and never coming back.

You'll be all alone
and they'll cut off your ears!

l'm not your Guardian Angel!
- Wait.
- What do you want?

Please, stay.
