It Runs in the Family

It's Asher returning your call.
Where'd I catch you?
I'm in the library.
What'd they do?
Roll a couple of kegs in there?

No, Dad.
I'm just doing a little writing.

Oh, that's good.
I'd love to read something
you write, whenever it feels OK.

That's, that's fantastic, Dad.
I appreciate that.

How's that...
How's that job-hunt coming?

Dad, I'm late for class, OK?
That's not the reason
I called you.

I wanted to know if you wanted
to go to the game tonight.

I got tickets.
Thought we'd have a couple of beers.

I can't.
I'm talking about the Yankees.
Box seats.

Listen, Dad, I can't go. All right?
I'm sorry. I'll give you a call back.
What the hell?
I'm watching the Yankees!
Turn that thing off!

Let's go.
- Up. We're going to dance.
- Are you out of your mind?

Just about.
That's why you're going to turn off
that box and dance with me.

Off, Mitchell. That's not off.
I wanted to see that game, too.
