It Runs in the Family

and love.
She taught me well,
in what to look for
when choosing a wife.

So, Mom, I thank you.
What the hell are you doing?
I'm gonna pick up some stuff
so I thought I'd take it for a ride.

What's the matter with
your Kraut car?

- It's Japanese.
- Still the enemy.

We're not at war any more. Remember?
They're not the enemy.
They may be yours.

My brother lost his legs
because of the Nazi bastards.

Dad, I know that. All I wanted to do
was just take it for a spin.

Nobody else drives this Chevy but me.
Just keep your precious car.
You shouldn't be driving
a goddamn shopping cart,

better yet a '55 Chevy.
Are you all right?
Was everything the way
you wanted it? The service?

Not very religious.
You're standing on one leg.
An old prophet was once asked,
"Can you tell me the meaning
of religion, standing on one leg?"
