La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

42% know Basque
and 16% speak it.

Ethnographic researcher
Writer-humanist, ethnographer.
Ballad singer,
TV presenter, journalist

Professor of Political Science,

Threatened by ETA.
The only living thing
from European pre-history

is the Basque language.
It doesn't belong
to the Indo-European group.

It doesn't belong
to the Romance group,

or the Germanic group
or the Celtic group.

Our language is
a made-to-measure instrument

for showing our sensitivity
and our thoughts.

The non-Basque speaking world
thinks that we have an insatiable
desire to impose it,

that we want mono-lingualism
in Basque,

and that isn't true.
We have no alternative
but to grow.

A lot of people
have learned Basque

but it can't compete
with Spanish on the streets.

The Basque language in particular...
The obsession today for it
to become an absolute monopoly

is, in my opinion, negative
and laden with reactionary effects.

Basque is being identified
with violence, with nationalism.

For me, language has got nothing
to do with politics.

It's beyond that.
In any case, it's poetry.
It's part of my installation
in the world.

The future of Basque in Navarre
and in the Basque Country
is uncertain.

I love the Basque language
rather than the Basque Country...

We have the oldest language
in Europe.

It would be heart-breaking
if we lost it.

It's my homeland.
If Germany had had
the Basque language,
