La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

Franco came in here
with great violence.
He appointed very competent
civil governors.

But for the people, whether
communists or nationalists,

they were the devil himself.
The PNValways was
an ultra-Catholic party

and it still is, with good results.
ETA has always been secular,
but it has produced a new religion,
that of the homeland.

We spoke to the PNV.
They didn't understand us.

The time came
when there was a split.

Professor of Psychology. Franciscan
And here the story with ETA
starts again.

It's a tragedy
on a collective level.

This violence is the greatest
frustration of the Basque people.

Let's look at culture first.
The enemy reacted strongly,

They couldn't tolerate
any cultural activity.

Immediately, a section,
I don't know how large,

of the clergy
in Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya,

and parishioners too,
sympathized with ETA.

The enemy's reaction was out
of proportion. We were persecuted.

That forced us to move on
to the political phase.

They helped organize meetings.
They provided sacristies

and retreat houses
where they could meetings.

Then the first interrogations began,
the first beatings,
the first signs of torture,

and that forced us to move on
to the final, military phase.

In December 1973,
ETA assassinated
Admiral Carrero Blanco,

recently chosen by Franco
to be his successor.
