La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

Founder of Elkarri,
(social movement for peace,
dialogue and agreement)

Former president of Bayonne
Chamber of Commerce. Businessman

Elkarri is a call to society
to make it more aware
of what it needs and what it wants.

Uselessly beautiful.
I think it's beautiful
but useless.

Human rights come first,
especially the right to life
and to non-violence.

That's fundamental.
It is the idea of Elkarri
that is being persecuted,

and not its ideas as such.
The peace conference doesn't bring
political forces together.

It brings together
moderators whom they trust

and who draw up draft proposals
for an agreement.

The citizens have given
legitimacy, responsibility

and the duty
of solving the problem

to the political parties.
We shouldn't leave the solution
of our problems to other people.

That would be totally irresponsible.
Then those proposals are
put to the political parties,

all of whom are participating,
including the Socialist Party,

but not the PP.
Elkarri can help, undoubtedly,
but the final solution has to come
from the political parties

and from the governments.
Elkarri is some 20 years ahead
of the needs of a civil society,

because if there isn't
a strong civil society

you'll have to fasten
your seatbelt

because it'll be horrendous.
