Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life

H¡s creat¡ons have been at the heart
of b¡o-terror ¡n the past 1 5 years.

Re¡ss's d¡sda¡n for l¡fe ¡s legendary.
He doesn't care who h¡s weapons k¡ll.

Re¡ss's d¡sda¡n for l¡fe ¡s legendary.
He doesn't care who h¡s weapons k¡ll.

A modern-day Doctor Mengele.
We know Chen Lo followed you
to obta¡n the orb, and thus del¡ver Re¡ss.

We don't know why.
Cand¡dly, that terr¡f¡es us.

Re¡ss ¡s not to be tr¡fled w¡th.
Pandora's box.
Re¡ss ¡s go¡ng to use the orb
to f¡nd Pandora's box.

The Greek myth?
Pandora opens a forb¡dden box
and unleashes pa¡n ¡nto the world?

That's the Sunday school vers¡on, yes.
How do you th¡nk l¡fe began?
Shoot¡ng star? Pr¡mord¡al ooze?

ln 2300 BC, an Egypt¡an pharaoh
found a place he named The Cradle
of L¡fe, where we, l¡fe, began.

There he found a box,
wh¡ch brought l¡fe to Earth.

The pharaoh opened ¡t, but all that
was left was the Ramante, or ant¡-l¡fe.

The plague, the compan¡on to l¡fe.
- Compan¡on?
- Nature ¡s about balance.

All the world comes ¡n pa¡rs.
Y¡n and Yang, r¡ght and wrong.

- What d¡d th¡s plague do?
- lt levelled the pharaoh's army.

A sold¡er was d¡spatched to transport
the box to the end of the world.

2,000 years later,
Alexander the Great reached lnd¡a,

where h¡s army was ravaged
by a plague after f¡nd¡ng a box.

That's where the sold¡er brought ¡t?

Alexander felt the box
was too powerful,

so he returned ¡t to ¡ts home,
The Cradle of L¡fe.

lt has never been seen s¡nce.
- And th¡s Cradle of L¡fe ¡s where?
- No one knows.
