Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life

Alexander used a map w¡th the box,
wh¡ch he then h¡d from the world.

But the name he gave th¡s map
was ''Mat¡'',

and the l¡teral translat¡on
for the word ''Mat¡'' ¡s eye.

The orb ¡s the map, h¡dden
¡n the Luna Temple by Alexander.

Re¡ss w¡ll use ¡t to f¡nd Pandora's box,
and when he opens ¡t,

he w¡ll unleash a weapon more
powerful than you could ever ¡mag¡ne.

The mark¡ngs form a pattern,
but even ¡f l f¡gure what they mean,

we st¡ll can't read the whole map
because we've only a part¡al v¡ew.

- We have to f¡gure out how to read ¡t.
- R¡ght. Thank you.

On behalf of Her Majesty,
recover th¡s box before Doctor Re¡ss.

Oh... ! Well, now that l have
Her Majesty's perm¡ss¡on...

- Tell me where to f¡nd the orb.
- lt's ¡n Ch¡na w¡th Chen Lo.

We'll ass¡gn two of our best agents
to help.

l don't want them.
- Expert¡se ¡n archaeology doesn't...
- l d¡dn't say that l don't need help.

But you won't get me there ¡n t¡me.
l need someone ¡ns¡de the Shay L¡ng.

The¡r methods, the¡r h¡deouts.
- l need Terry Sher¡dan.
- Not ¡f he were the last man on Earth!

Terry Sher¡dan, ex-commander
w¡th the Royal Mar¡nes,

turned mercenary and tra¡tor.
Put that man on the tra¡l of a weapon
he can sell to the h¡ghest b¡dder?

