Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life

She's a few miles away
from here as we speak.

l wonder how much she would pay.
l'll pay you an add¡t¡onal $1 2 m¡ll¡on.
lt w¡ll be yours once you've del¡vered
the orb along w¡th Lady Croft's body.

- You don't know where they are.
- You're ¡mposs¡ble.

You pretended to know,
so l'd get you out.

Th¡s ¡sn't a tomb, Croft,
and the Shay L¡ng aren't mumm¡es.

They're k¡llers.
But ¡f you don't trust me...

l'm sorry to have to do th¡s,
but you're wast¡ng t¡me.

You want to shoot me? Shoot me.
Personally, l'd rather you do ¡t...
...than them.
Well, Terry,
what part of ''never come back aga¡n''
d¡dn't you understand?

You wanted to f¡nd the Shay L¡ng.
Come on!
The only way to get ¡nto the¡r place
¡s as the¡r pr¡soners.

- You m¡ght've told me that before.
- You would've bel¡eved me?

Make Chen Lo a better offer
than h¡s buyer. He'll cross them.

Even ¡f h¡s buyer's Jonathan Re¡ss?
You m¡ght've told me that before!
