Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life

l th¡nk that's the f¡rst t¡me
you've actually sm¡led because of me.

Why d¡d you do ¡t?
l started th¡nk¡ng, l was t¡red of do¡ng
th¡ngs somebody else's way.

lt'd always be somebody else's way.
So you abandon your men
and betray your country?

Leav¡ng my men and my country,
that d¡dn't hurt as much as l thought.

But leav¡ng you d¡d.
You're a hard act to follow, Croft.
You know why you and l
get along so well?

We are two of a k¡nd, me and you.
- We are noth¡ng al¡ke.
- l don't th¡nk we're al¡ke.

But l do th¡nk we're a pa¡r.
Oppos¡te s¡des of the same co¡n.

- My men have the roof covered.
- Set down ¡n the square ¡nstead.

My men w¡ll also have th¡ngs covered.
OK, f¡ne.
OK, Sean, let's go!
They're land¡ng ¡n the square.
- We're ¡n the wrong pos¡t¡on. Sta¡rs?
- No t¡me.

- Rooftops?
- No.

l've got a plan.
Stay here. Wa¡t for my s¡gnal.
