Le Cerf-volant

I'm going back for it.
C'mon, Lamia, forget about it!
Think it's still alive?
Don't be stupid.
Whose is it?
To a woman in love.
You're talking nonsense.
To kill your baby,
you have to be in love.

No, a criminal whore
and married, rather.

Maybe she was scared.
I'm scared of the principal.
How do we explain our absence?

You always worry afterwards.
How do women give birth?
First, how do they get pregnant?
Everyone knows how.
Then explain it to me.
In the first place,
you sleep with your husband.

You dummy!
I read it in a book
my Canadian cousin has.

Spit it out!
You stick in things.
What kind of things?
I can't tell you.
You know since you read it.
So tell me.
I can't.
You have to tell me,
because I...
I'm getting married.
No, I'm not.
My mother and Shirin
said so yesterday.

I'm to marry my cousin Samy,
on the other side there.

I'm going to move.
You're accepting it?
Do I have a choice?
So tell me.
Once upon a time
a lovely girl
and her charming brother
