Le Divorce

All their customs and ceremonials.
l mean, their scarves alone...
an entire chapter.
Knotted in front, one end down,
other end thrown over the shoulder.

Or looped around double
and the ends tucked in.

Or around the shoulder,
over their coat like a shawl.

Or tied in the back.
l mean, châle, foulard, ècharpe.

Just think of all the words
they have for scarf.

And in a language which is
very sparse in vocabulary.

- So, do you intend to stay?
- In Paris?

- Mm.
- Maybe.

If it works out, l'd like to.
- Why not?
- l'm thinking of going home soon.

After all this is done.
l bought a house
on the coast of Maine.

l dream about it
night after night.

Yhe bare rock, the cold sea.
Yves. Yhis is Isabel.
- It's Roxy's sister. Yhis is Yves.
- Hi.

- It's okay. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Yves is helping me out
painting the guest room.

Yves is marvelous
and he walks Flaubert.

Doesn't he, darling? Yes.
He doesn't think that Flaubert's
just a mere chien.

Well, you're not a mere chien.
Make friends, you two.
Show her the real Paris.

[Woman, In French]
Wait, wait.
[Yves] There are people here
who want America to control France.

Yhey want us to watch cartoons...
and they want to paint
Donald Duck on everything.

And we are all
supposed to drink Coke.
