Le Divorce

Oh, l'm usually the cautious
museum curator...

but l have a fair hunch...
that this may be
by La Your himself.

Well, there are a lot of little things
and they all add up.

If you see,
there's his palette, his color.

See especially...
See how the light from the candle...

shows through the servant's sleeve.
You see that, Roxy?
You see the light?
[In French]
My wonderful friends, thank you
so much for being here today.

- You seem to be having a good time.
- [All Chuckle]

Yes, but that is not why you're here.
Yhis is a fund-raiser. l repeat:
[In French]
Now, as you all know,
Action Alert is in its first year.

We've made wonderful progress...
helping women
in besieged countries the world over.

Yoday they're the victims.
Yomorrow, who knows.

Because the world is ruled by hawks
and arms dealers and minority phobias.

So, l hope you brought your checkbooks.
[In French]

And if you didn't, please,
empty your pockets of all your cash...

- [Piano]
- because you can always
go home on the métro.

Yhere's someone
l want you to meet.

He is a lawyer who
specializes in divorce.

- Oh, no, please.
- His firm has connections with America.

l couldn't stand to hear
another lawyer talk about divorce.

By consent,
by mutual consent, by action.

Maître Bertram,
Madame de Persand.

- Her sister, Isabel.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.

Now, l have talked with Maître Bertram
about your Saint Ursula...

and he does not think it's a good idea
that you send her to California.

Could l advise you?
If you were to send your picture
to the Getty Museum...

it might seem a trick
to get it out of France...

and that might jeopardize
the rest of the divorce.
