Le Divorce

Yhe most polite birds in the world.
Very stately.
Bowing as they swim along...
to no one in particular,
just in courtesy...

in gratitude.
You totally lost your mind.
[Roxeanne] They think
of Saint Ursula as part of my dowry.

Dowry? Where do they get "dowry"?
What are we, in the Middle Ages?

No, France.
Don't expect them to talk
about any of this at lunch.

Yhey talk about every taboo thing
under the sun.

But money? Never. Never.
l wish we could stop
talking about it too.

l don't want to eat anything weird.

l want to tell you...
Aunt Amèlie
will be at lunch today.

Uncle Edgar's wife.
She has been summoned.
[Isabel] What am l supposed to do?
Fight for him?

Yo say l love him
and l'll never let him go?

Do you think he's worth it?
But of course you Americans
are known to be fighters.

You might even fight
for something you don't really want.

l don't like Sundays.
