Le Divorce

[Isabel Narrating]
So, good-bye, Uncle Edgar...

and good-bye, Kelly bag
and Edgar's other gifts.

l'm sure he's still buying Kelly bags
at Hermès for other dumb girls like me...

but l got over him.
So, l took Suzanne's advice
to go with life as it unrolls.

Prends la vie comme il vient.
[Man, In French]
You've arrived.
- [In French]
- [People Bidding]

Next up is lot 5 1.

- [Man] Georges de la Tour.
- La Your.

A lapse of attention
on the part of the Louvre.

Yes. It's come in now.
The saint's hand has been repainted,
as has the servant's face.

The top of the painting was trimmed,
as was the right side.

Do l hear two million?
- [Man] Two million.
- Ywo million. l have a taker.

2. 1 million.
2.2 million. 2.3 million.
2.4 million. 2.4 million.
2.5 million.
