Le Pharmacien de garde

He beat me to it!
That's a good one!

I put up with him every day!
Thanks for coming so fast, Inspector.
Lt. Barrier.
Sure it was her towel?
She threw it in the basket.
He picked it up.

I told him we had clean ones.
He wasn’t a hotel guest?
No, he left without filling
his card. Without a word.

As he left, he looked at me.
It was scary.

I don't know. He had nice eyes.
Nice eyes scare you?
His look scared me.
Today he was on your street?
Yes, I went to get my car.
Christine, it's me.
I know you're there, pick up.
Don't treat me this way!
I saw him on the sidewalk.
He scared me.
I called you, maybe it was wrong,
but after what happened
to that woman...

Why don't you pick up?
He's nuts about you,
and you don't care?

That's private.
I was saying: That guy scares me...
Describe him.
I hardly saw him. He looked away.
Did you dump him?
