Les Invasions barbares

All my life I went to bed
with the world's most gorgeous women.

Then one morning I awoke realizing
I'd fallen asleep dreaming of the Caribbean.

I'd grown old.
Women had deserted my dreams.

It's been so long
since I dreamed of a man.

Just what is it you do?
You're president of a Norwegian oil firm.
You've bought a North Sea oil field
from a failing U.S. company.

You can produce oil for $7 per barrel,
and you sell for $25.

But you want to limit your exposure
to fluctuating oil prices. How?

No idea.
-You see me, we do a swap.

What's that?
-A deal where my bank pays you

a set price
and you pay the floating price.

You contract to sell your oil at a set
price for a set period. In short,

I manage financial risk.
Are you good at what you do?
Pretty good.
Could you get the driver
to stop at the lake?

I'd like to see it again.
