Les Invasions barbares

Do you have any 18th-centuary
French cahlices?

The Americans snapped them up.
There are a few examples in the museums.

I'm sure this has great value
for people here, the collective memory.

But is there anything that we could sell?
-On the world market?

Honestly, I can't imagine it.
In other words,
this is all absolutely worthless.

I'll show you out.
Pius XII sitting on his ass
in his gilded Vatican

while Primo Levi was taken
to Auschwitz... That's not sad!

It's despicable! Hideous!
If what you say true, and history
is a series of abominable crimes,

then someone has to exist
who can forgive us.

That's my belief.
I envy you.
If at least I'd written.
You wrote nothing?
-A few papers here and there, nothing serious.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?
-It bugs me.

What would you have written?
The Gulag Archipelago,
The Periodic Table.
