Love Actually

- Jeannie.
- He's from England.

Yep. Basildon.
- Oh.
- Oh.

Wait till Carol-Anne gets here.
She's crazy about English guys.

- Hey, girls.
- Carol-Anne, come meet Colin.

He's from England.
Well, step aside, ladies. This one's on me.
- Hey, gorgeous.
That is so funny!
- What do you call that?
- Er, bottle.

- What about this?
- Er, straw.

- What about this?
- Table.

- Table. The same.
- Oh, it's the same.

- Where are you staying?
- l don't actually know.

l'll just check into a motel like in the movies.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God, that is so cute.
No, no, no, listen. This may be a bit pushy
cos we just met you but...

why don't you come back
and sleep at our place?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Well, if it's not too much
of an inconvenience.

- Hell no!
- But there's one problem.

Well, we're not the richest of girls,
you know.

So we just have a little bed and no couch.
So you'd have to share with all three of us.
And on this cold, cold night it's gonna be
crowded and sweaty and stuff.

And we can't even afford pyjamas.
Which means...
we would be naked.
No, no, l think it'd be fine.
- Great.
- Erm...

The thing that's gonna make it
more crowded...

Harriet. You haven't met Harriet.
