Love Actually

Come on in. We can watch from backstage.
OK. Terry, l won't be long.
Look, this has to be a very secret visit, OK?
Don't worry. This was my school.
l know my way around. Come on.

Look, the sheep are ready already
and you're not even...

- Oh, David.
- Ah!

Oh, how are you?
Hi, guys. Hey, hey, hey. You all right?
What the hell are you doing here?
- Well, you know...
- We always tell your secretary

that these things are going on but it never
occurred to me you'd actually turn up.

l thought it was time l did.
l didn't want anyone to see,
so l'm gonna hide somewhere.

Good luck, Daisy, good luck, Bernie.
l've never been gladder
to see my stupid big brother.

- Thank you.
- All right.

Oh, now. We haven't been introduced.
Right. Well, this is Gavin.
- Hello, Gavin.
- My copper.

And this is Natalie, who's my, erm...
- who's my, erm, catering manager.
- Oh.

- Hi.
- Catering manager.

Watch he keeps his hands off you.
20 years ago, you'd have been his type.
l'll be very careful. Don't try something, sir,
just because it's Christmas.

- No, seriously.
Come on. Showtime. Quickly.
- Look, see you after, yeah?
- Probably.

- Thank you, Prime Minister.
- lt's all right.

- Come on.
- Right.
