
Then I'm sorry
he didn't hear my lecture.

Perhaps I could have swayed him.
He spent 20 years
and a large fortune

building his collection,
that in a week's time,
on All Saints' Day,

thousands of faithful Christians
are coming to see.

Paying to see.
Contributions are
customary for indulgences,

along with confession
and true penitence.
Ah, yes.
The right prayers,
the right coins,

and 1,900,202 years
and 27 days less in Purgatory.

Do not bite the hand
that feeds you, Martin.

Our prince pays
for your chair in this university.

His relics pay for your chair.
And he who pays the piper...
calls the tune.
Do not embarrass him.
No one is more delighted
with your popularity here.

He'd prefer you stay.
Master Kranauer,
is Luther open to persuasion?
Not likely, my prince.
He's as bitable as...

As a donkey,
you were going to say?

Indeed, indeed.
I am conscious of the great honor
you do me, Cardinal Cajetan,

in recommending me
to His Holiness.

I doubt you'll think it an honor
20 years from now, Aleander.

My first master
was Pope Alexander MI.

Three mistresses,
five children,

and a most fervent devotion
to bullfighting.
